Our work, as part of the board and executive team, included securing planning permission for the regeneration of a complex heritage site, whilst gaining overwhelming support from the community, local business, and supporters, which was unanimously endorsed by both local and national government. 

We developed the commercial and financial strategy that underpinned both financing and operational readiness. This included product and pricing development, resource planning, partnerships strategy, and procurement of major supply contracts.

Other significant projects include stadium re-development, training ground expansion and enhancement, and creation of a multi-million-pound community campus. 

We have implemented rigorous project governance structures – including the formation of boards and appointing key project leadership positions – enabling the delivery of multiple projects on time and to budget. 

As well as successfully integrating many high-level sporting appointees, we also have a wealth of experience building new functions, creating governance frameworks, and designing board structures across a number of different industries.


Stadium development, placemaking, and major capital projects.

Venue development

Major capital infrastructure 

Project management 

Planning approval

Lifetime value and financial modelling

Community asset development

Stakeholder engagement

Risk management

Sale and Acquisition




